Saint Andrews Presbyterian Church
Breaking Bread Bible Study
Join us on Wednesdays at 6pm for our Breaking Bread Bible Study. We are currently meeting at the Tryon House off Old Pineville Road.
The study is very informal, everybody takes a turn reading from their favorite bible. We then discuss the passage, sharing how we understand the message that God may have written for us.
Everyone is welcome, whether this is the first time you have opened a bible or if you have read it 100 times!
Tai Chi
We meet in the sanctuary every second and fourth Saturday of the month at 10:30am. Pastor Barbara leads us in exercise for the body, mind and soul. Everyone is welcome and we are all beginners!
Mission and Education at Saint Andrews
Summer Prayer Ministry.
Summer is a time when we meet new people in different settings. Our goal this season is to show the love of Christ to those He puts in our path. We hope to do this through engaging people with prayer: we will explain our ministry and ask if they have a prayer concern. Each Sunday we will open the worship service with the prayer concerns gathered the prior week.
If you have a prayer request, please text Pastor John at 704-957-9146.
We have many programs that give back to the community, as well as showing people the love of Christ all around the world. On Super Bowl Sunday, we participate in the "Souper Bowl of Caring", when we collect money in a soup pot to fight hunger. We also collect food to support Loaves and Fishes and the Second Harvest Food Bank. In the summer, we collect food for children who have free lunches during the school year, but do without when school is out. We also collect school supplies for those in need. In October, we walk and serve water in the CROP walk, to raise money to fight hunger. In November, we pack shoe boxes for Operation Christmas Child. This year we plan to serve a meal at the Men's Shelter and go on a mission trip. Come join us and together we can make a difference in the world! We have many ministries that give back to the community, as well as showing people the love of Christ all around the world.